Short story
Sharing Stories Through Little free libraries
Little free libraries: mini libraries open to all, where anyone can leave, borrow, or take a book. An invitation to…
Trust between birds and humans
TrustThe vulture is a bird of prey of the hawk family. The kite is a migratory bird, but some groups…
The “Metropolis of Solitude” of dreamers
This is a story about the journey of dreamers in their dreams. A story of lonely souls searching for the…
A Night to Remember – our soul yearns for love
It was a dark, quiet night as Raj stepped out of his car, the cool breeze rustling the leaves in…
An old man looks for a way to keep his mind sharp
Niko loved supermarket lines. It wasn’t so when Niko arrived at the U.S. as an engineer for an automaker plant.…
First English Class
Ming was over the moon when he began to attend senior high school in New Rivermouth, the county seat of…
The Volcano – How Aries murders
Mildred had been complaining about the journey since the beginning.She came out of the kitchen on a Wednesday evening with…
Stellar Matter
Clouds, sunsets and starry nights. Wasting hours and hours with our minds empty just looking at the sky. As we…
The Game of The Crying Skull
I would like to tell you a story. It started like a game. Perhaps like a mistake. Or rather, I…
You will never be the same
So he said, “You will never be the same.”Sure I won’t.Murder is something that changes you deep inside your soul…
©Antonis GiakoumakisSeaLand Outfaceshapes,formationsof the sealandand the sky.Colors and lightin a hug. The seas of poets,wordsunexpectedly.Land of the peoplecursedpoor landplowed with…
Mayuhe Revisited
On the morning of October 28th, my brother drove us to Mayuhe, the forest farm on the southern bank of…
The darkening tree
Quarks and photons / are gross accommodations, / chips of some blown up god / intractable in the mind, /…
GesĂą non tornerĂ mai
Precipitando verso / un vuoto pieno immenso / Volando in un cielo / di niente / Nuotando in un mare…
Running Moon
the cure for pain / I found / inside my cavernous but lucid dreams. / Tonight, / while comfortably resting…
New Year’s Gift
Ming never really liked his old man. He didn’t know exactly why. While everyone he hang around with had something…
Perverse calories
As Troy Warriors, perverse calorieshide inside aromatic chocolates with horsey figures,bleeding stakes, unlucky lobsters, and pedigree wines.It’s a plot to…
I Feel Home
I feel home when there’s a pouring rain and thunder keeps striking,I feel home when there’s a sea beneath me…
The Iron Bed
All women of my family gave birth lying on the iron bedall women of my family passed away lying on…
Emotional Curiosity (2)
He doesn’t know how curiosity can kill a cat, but he’s acutely aware how it’s killing himself. Ever since she…