Travelling in Greece this summer, I happened upon the Museum of the Royal Macedonian Tombs in Verghina, near Thessaloniki, and what better place to start comparing “Le morte stagioni, e la presente e viva e il suon di lei (…)”?
So I started to put together a few images, between classical reminiscences and a pleasantly scrappy modernity, joking about the theme of Hades.
A theme that is well present in the darkness of the tomb of Philip II of Macedon, but which in various forms can also be found, with a little imagination, outside, in the everyday life of a world that apparently denies its existence, condemned to conform to an eternal youth, in the infinite and reassuring present of advertising images.
And instead, doing all the superstitions of the case, it would be good to do some thinking about our impermanence and that of our world in general, perhaps joking about it a little with a mixture of lightness and slight melancholy.
What I present here are images of travel then, of holidays and the sea in many cases, but with an undertone I hope.
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Tra ombre contemporanee e suggestioni omeriche un viaggio in bianco e nero – struggente – e l’immensità di un mare metafora dell’aldilá con suoi abissi profondi
Grazie Lucilla, hai sempre splendide e alate parole!