
Photojournalism and responsible storytelling in todays world with Ron Haviv

Workshop : Photojournalism and responsible storytelling in todays world with Ron Haviv
from to , May, 2018 10th/13th (1st session); October 2018 (2nd session)
Venue: Officine Fotografiche Milano, Via Friuli, 60, Milano 20135, Italy
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More info about Officine Fotografiche Milano

VII Tutor Program, a collaborative project between Officine Fotografiche and VII Photo Agency, is proud to announce that the second cycle of VII Tutor Program will be held by Ron Haviv.

Young girls leave a camp for internally displaced persons (IDP) to gather firewood. For some the work will take more than 7 hours and lead them past government checkpoints and leave them exposed to attacks. All the people express fear and wish there were a more secure way to gather wood, essential for cooking in the camp. Girls as young as 8 have been raped, attacked and killed trying to get wood. Ron Haviv / VII

This workshop titled “Photojournalism and Responsible Storytelling in Today’s World” explores multi-faceted approaches to photojournalism and helps guide you on your own path. Whether working in one’s own neighborhood or overseas, Ron Haviv teaches participants to develop their unique visual style and apply it through personal photographic narratives. What does it mean to be a responsible photojournalist? Participants learn what is required of a photojournalist, not just in the field but what to do before and after the story is complete. Which guidelines apply? What ethical concerns arise? Which debates should photographers be fluent in? Encouraging students to work using their instincts rather than from a formula, Haviv teaches the ins and outs of getting one’s work out there in today’s professional landscape.

A recently displaced Muslim girl takes up shelter at a destroyed mosque after fleeing a government offensive against the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka. Ron Haviv/VII Photo Agency

The workshop includes portfolio reviews, in-depth editing sessions, anddiscussions that engage all attendees. Participants study the work of the masters of documentary photography to understand where we are today as visual storytellers. In turn, Haviv shares his own work and experiences from 25 years as a working photojournalist, covering a gamut from conflict and crisis areas to politics anddaily life. Students learn the tricks of the trade of responsible journalism from Haviv’s own experiences-insights applicable to their own success once out of the classroom.     Students have the opportunity for sustained, insightful conversations regarding their long-term projects, their passion for storytelling, and on developing strategies for multi-platform outputs. Importantly, they learn how to bring their work to an audience, and the portfolio reviews emphasize the role of narrative form and voice in visual storytelling. Throughout the two sessions, Haviv helps students understand the pulse of today’s visual storytelling and shares tips for successfully, ethically documenting the world and sharing the story. Workshop participants will leave with a clearer understanding of their next steps and will be well along the way to defining their personal path forward.

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