Saint Petersburg
One Photo Story
Bride of the forest
A lot of things here are new to me, interesting, but most of them are frightening, alien, wild and incomprehensible,…
The Crow (Saint-Petersburg life during Covid-19 pandemic)
Saint-PetersburgRussiaAll the pictures were taken in Saint-Petersburg, Russia in 2020-2021, winter. All were shot on film, using a simple Pentax…
Another world of the center of St. Petersburg
A place in the center of St. Petersburg, once in which you feel as if you were in the neighboring…
Red giant
This is an article about the most abandoned object in Saint Petersburg. In my opinion, everyone who lives in St.…
Our Island
"Our Island" project in progress is my personal story where, through my memories, I try to understand my relationship with…
In this project, there is no logic, everything is filmed at the level of sensations. I was looking through my…
Deja vu
In this project Tatyana Kolbatova makes an attempt to come to terms with the loss of a loved one after…
Cold Celebration
So it happened that New Year is not my favorite holiday. As it often happens the reasons can be tracked…
Merry Village
The project made an attempt to investigate the origin of the name of one of the residential areas of St.…
A visual expression of my searching for peace and balance in the big city.
Brave New Village
This is a story about the growth of many Russian cities. Massive new blocks are being built here on the…
Other stories
These buildings are 100 years old, they are not protected by the state. But this is also the history of…
The parallels
Tatyana Kolbatova traveled through the space and time in three different cities. Imaginary constructions reflecting reality are becoming it them…
33 rooms
In the process of this photographic study, I came to conclusion that interiors and everyday objects that belong to the…
Take me to Arts
Art and people. People and Art. Art, intimacy, human creative skills, imagination and me. Take me away from the hustle…
Exit to
Tatyana in her work draws fantastic word of her home Petrogradsky district in St.Petersburg. She treats this space as tesseract…
Other stories
I watched grey layer of asphalt gradually turning into soil or vice versa the park itself ceased being something manmade…
Other stories
The region I go to is alive and vibrant, it obeys its own principles, and every time I enter the…