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Mocking juxtapositions

When contrasting elements enter, either by chance or deliberately, into the same frame, a juxtaposition can be created that smacks of mockery.

It may be that the photographer casually picks up a surreal detail that contradicts the rest of the image, or instead he may consciously compose the photo around an absurd juxtaposition, in any case resulting in a two-coloured, ambiguous image, imbued with the ambivalence of which puns are made.

As in a well-crafted calembour, a short circuit is created between the various components that contradict each other, creating an imbalance that makes the image dynamic, but also immobilised in the juxtaposition of the parts, and in this indecision lies the ambiguous sense of the mockery.

The series of images I present here are all taken on the street because there is no better place to catch, with an oblique glance, the flaws of irony in the texture of the usual.

Lurking Raptor. Firenze, Borgo Santi Apostoli, October 1st 2022.
Mocking an ugly Santa Claus. Salerno, Via Mercanti, December 9th 2022.
I’ll tell you a story. Rome, Metro line B, December 20th 2022.
The Good Old Man and the Beautiful Maiden. Rome, Via del Moro, December 22th 2022.
A cat mocks the view. Rome, Piazza di S.Pietro in Montorio, December 22th 2022.
Lazy Santa Claus. Rome, Via del Gambero, December 30th 2022.
Religious articles. Rome, Borgo Pio, January 5th 2023.
Strength, abandonment, vice and freedom. Rome, pedestrian subway Via Ettore Rolli, january 11th 2023.
The arrogant seagull mocks the City. Rome, Lungotevere Castello, January 12th 2023.
Mockery, the lady does not like it. Rome, Via del Governo Vecchio, January 19th 2023.
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Pietro Coppa

Nato e vissuto a Roma, fotografo per antica passione.

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