
Life in the Wastelands

Kolkata,India-March 2016:Life in the Wasteland-Wastes littered and dumped in the open forming a heap of rubble affect plants and animals in the surroundings. The soil in certain places has lost its fertility turning the land barren.

Life in the Wastelands, photo essay by Debmalya Ray Choudhuri

Kolkata, one of the most important economic and cultural hubs of India. A concrete jungle of sky high buildings, swanky malls and offices, yet with a life refulgent, simple and laid back. In the suburbs of all this noise and humdrum of daily city life, lies one of the biggest open air waste disposal sites and the area around it which has a life of its own a life shrouded in squalor and an uncanny solitude.

Every day the city generates tons of waste and where does this go Dhapa

Every day the city generates tons of waste and where does this go Dhapa, that is what it is called a hinterland so different that it hardly bears a semblance of being a part of a metropolitan busy city.
Dhapa dumping ground spread over 60 acres of land started operations in 1987 has long outlived its utility. It was built with the capacity to accommodate city’s wastes for 15 years. The people who are engaged in segregating the waste and collecting and trashing them are mostly migrant labourers from the poorest sections of the society. They live in abject poverty in thatched frail houses in the hinterland away from the crowd. The government has established a local school and some medicine stores, most of which are dysfunctional or closed. These people are exposed to toxic fumes and gases, which rise from the burning of the waste. The children are often seen engaging in the same labour for an additional daily income which by world standards is much less than the minimum for basic sustenance. These people have built a life around the place and it is in stark contrast to the luxuries of a city life. Relentlessly working throughout the day for a meagre wage has become a way of life for them,a quagmire of sorts. Working long hours ,mostly from day break to dusk often takes a toll on their health.
The “Jomadars” or the people living in the area responsible for the waste segregation and disposal, as is popularly called is the most overlooked section of our society. Their state is just testimony to the growing economic disparity particularly ubiquitous in our country, India.

This place is soon going to be overloaded with all the waste beyond its capacity and the government fears that it cannot sustain for long. The place needs to be shifted soon to a more remote location away from the city. Sadly, this may entail a huge amount of expenditure, something that the government has not yet planned or taken into account given the sheer ignorance of this place piling up with waste and stench. It is only a matter of time, maybe a few years more until this place can no longer be used as a dumping site . What might happen to these people who have built a locality of their own around them? No one knows. In a developing country like India where labour is cheap, every place caters to casual and migrant workers who are ready to work on meagre wages only to survive through the day. Soon the workers in the former parts of this place may disappear into oblivion and take to other menial jobs or migrate somewhere else.
The main intent for my project is to put forth the lives of these people, important yet ignored largely by the state. Though living on false hopes of a better life soon, there is no sense of despondency in them: maybe they have adjusted themselves to their destiny or maybe they are waiting for a better future which seems bleak .

“Life in the wastelands” is part of a sustainable human development long term project that I have adopted, starting off with a photo essay on the largest and only dumping ground of a densely populated city,Kolkata. ( Debmalya Ray Choudhuri)

Kolkata,India-March 2016: At one of the waste disposal sites .There are two main large spaces for the purpose .One has outlived its utility and the other one will soon be beyond capacity
Kolkata,India-March2016:Two young children walk past a warehouse to school. These warehouses are just open spaces with some surrounded with wooden cardboards and in some cases rusted iron fences within which the waste collection and segregation takes place. The recyclable wastes are separated for packaging ,etc .
Kolkata,India-March 2016:The labourers taking a rest from work .Most of them work relentlessly under extreme conditions for minimal wages and even the hands of the so called daily contractors are tied up as they are on a budget as well.
Kolkata,India-March 2016:Small and medium sized trucks are used for loading and unloading the huge tonnes of waste every day. These trucks are assigned by the municipality for this duty .What we see is one such truck on duty.
Kolkata,India-March 2016:A man enjoys his solitude .He is a migrant labourer hailing from the remote areas of Bengal. They have remained away from interacting with people outside their locality fearing discrimination and fear of municipal authorities .He agreed for the picture on grounds to keep his identity hidden.
Kolkata,India-March 2016:Kolkata is famous for its hot tea served on earthen small cups called “Bhar” .This is the place where these cups are made from scrap by potters in one area .One can see how these people have devised ways to sustain themselves
Kolkata,India-March 2016:A small girl amidst all the strewn packets at her home. They live right next to where the wastes are dumped. This is due to the constraint of space and also so that they dont have to travel miles daily for work. It is by no means a healthy existence ,yet there is an uncanny calm in their faces and lives.
Kolkata,India-March 2016:A casual day labourer ,a refugee from Bangladesh at work .Many of the people working and living here are originally from the other side of the border ,who lost their land and came here for work .They eventually end up being casual labourers working under daily labour contractors. The money they make is far beyond world minimum.
Kolkata,India-March 2016:The brick field furnaces in operation .The scrap ,leather and cloth and some products which cannot be recycled are burnt in large open furnaces like these. They generate huge amount of toxic gases and people here are exposed to them .They are under the impression that it is not so harmful to work,although it is extremely toxic and keep on going.
Kolkata,India-March 2016:The landfills used up are often used for growing vegetables like Cauliflowers and Brinjals .A man is seen here preparing the land for sowing at one of the used sites
Kolkata,India-March 2016:Man and the Hinterland. Labourers are seen working on the huge pile of waste .
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Debmalya Choudhuri

Debmalya is a visual storyteller who likes weaving tales through imagery. He believes that photography is a powerful medium of change in the coming… More »

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