
Lovelines: a group of love poems

for Helena Qi Hong

Taken in Zhuhai, along the Cloud Way, on October 15, 2023

Secret Sonnet

Take the best wrought line
From each of your favorite
Poems I have written (and
Published) for you, then
Reassemble them together (as
Isis did the fourteen pieces
Of Orisis’s body) into a new
Sonnet, I will come alive again
From between the words
Even making your pregnant
With our own little Horus 

Your Attraction

Before you loom above
The inner horizon, I can
Feel the warmth of your
Shine like the rising sun 

Just as I can perceive
The rose’s scent before
I sniff at it in wildness
Like a wounded tiger 

My Little Piece

Inspired by you
This love line is so
Wonderfully well-
Wrought no word
No sound, not even
My own heart beat
Can actually find
A proper place in
It to rime with my
Longing for you 

Deep in the Wild Field

Of each human heart is sowed
A tiny seed, which will bloom
Or bear some fruit in due time

But this seed shall neither bloom
Nor bear fruit, because it is
Meant to grow into an Yggdrasil 

Poetry Performance

While trying to sing the song
From the heart of my soul
I felt so short of breath I
Almost choked to death on
Words meant to say to you


As my inner being keeps
Absorbing your shine
Ever so warm and tender
My entire selfhood will grow
Into a pomegranate, full of
Crystalized sunlight, ready
To fall from the tree in the
Most abundant season

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Changming Yuan

Yuan Changming grew up in an isolated village, started to learn the English alphabet in Shanghai at age 19, and published monographs on translation… More »

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