FrancePhoto Exhibition

L’éblouissement des apparences

A retrospective tribute to Yves Rozet’s work, born in Lyon on February 26, 1953 and died in Paris on April 26, 2023. A teacher at the École supérieure d’Art et Design de Saint-Étienne since 1984, he had his first solo show at the gallery in 1986.
L’éblouissement des apparences (The dazzle of appearances) is an exhibition that explores his various series, revealing the coherence, inventiveness, richness and beauty of the issues addressed.

© Yves Rozet, Série Figures déliées – sur un fond sans fond –
Courtesy Galerie Le Réverbère, Lyon

Photo Exhibition: L’éblouissement des apparences – Yves Rozet
Dates: On view from February 16 to March 30, 2024
Venue: Galerie Le Réverbère, Lyon, France

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Since 1981, Le Réverbère stands up with stubbornness for contemporary photography and itsvarious expressions, with a keen, demanding and uncompromising outlook inherited from its… More »

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