The images that make up this work, taken at different times and in different places, are united by a playful, light-hearted and slightly surreal atmosphere.
At a time that is in many ways worrying and full of war clamour on the one hand, and of alarms God knows how real and justified, but reiterated and trivialised to such an extent that they lose their effectiveness on the other, I have deliberately amused myself by putting together these disenchanted images with some surreal vein in the composition or title.
In the end, we are all travelling in a carefree manner towards the end of our time, and with a shrug of the shoulders towards the various Cassandras prophesying the fall of Troy, we are heading, as individuals and as a collectivity towards the same.
So why not sneer at this slight ambiguity between what we do not want to see and what transpires as a glimmer of the absurd, from one photo to the last?

Genial! Lucilla Scelba
Grazie Lucilla!