Czech RepublicDocumentary

Tornado Aftermath

South Moravia region

Czech Republic

A tornado rated as an F4 on the Fujita scale, thunderstorms and hailstones as big as tennis balls hit South Moravia on 24 June 2021. Tornado struck several villages, killing six people, injured at least 200 and damaged or destroyed 1, 200 buildings. Immediately not only firefighters, police, rescue workers, NGOs but many volunteers from all Czech Republic responded to the catastrophe.

Hrusky. Volunteers clean up a damaged building

Hrusky. Within two days up 50 to 60% of the area of the villages has been cleared.

Hrusky. What did not destroy the Tornado destroyed the rain and hail. Without a roof, it rained into the houses, the walls and everything that was not under the roof soaked, and it was destroyed.

Hrusky. A corn-field destroyed by tornado which according to the weather service’s assessment left a 500 metre wide and 26 kilometers long swathe of devastation.

Moravska Nova Ves. A building and machines belonging to the firm Agromoravia, standing on the outskirts of Moravia Nova Ves, all but destroyed by a deadly tornado that swept through several villages in South Moravia 24 June 2021, killing seven people and leaving about 200 injured. Over 70 bulls were buried under the wreckage of one of the barns at the agricultural firm.

Moravska Nova Ves. A building and machines belonging to the firm Agromoravia, standing on the outskirts of Moravia Nova Ves, all but destroyed by a deadly tornado that swept through several villages in South Moravia 24 June 2021, killing seven people and leaving about 200 injured. Over 70 bulls were buried under the wreckage of one of the barns at the agricultural firm.

Mikulcice. Blanka Buckova and her family lost the roof, they were one of the first to repair the roof thanks to their friends. but their problem was that the walls were wet. They arrived daily and ventilated to make the walls dry.

Mikulcice. In Mikulcice, 300 houses were damaged by a tornado. Dozens of them are awaiting demolition.

Nr. Hrusky. Truck after truck transports debris to a new dump after a deadly tornado that swept through several villages in South Moravia 24 June 2021. The dump was divided into metal, wood and other waste.

Mikulcice. A girl poses on a bench during the traditional Hody (costume and feast) celebrations in Mikulcice, South Moravia. Mikulcice is one of the villages in South Moravia affected by a rare deadly tornado that brought thunderstorms and hailstones as big as tennis balls to the region on June 24, 2021. The tornado struck several villages, killing six people, injured at least 200 and damaged or destroyed 1,200 buildings. Hody is celebrated in South Moravia every year. But many residents wondered if it was a good idea to celebrate after that deadly tornado. Despite reservations, the celebration represented a kind of return to normal, despite the fact that many people lost their homes.

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Iva Zimova

Iva Zimova, Czech and Canadian born in 1956

. I first developed my photographic eye in Montreal, where I studied photography at Dawson College. But… More »

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