All About Photo is pleased to present Since Seeing You by Ruth Lauer-Manenti
On View in the Showroom June 1 – 30, 2021
Sandrine Hermand-Grisel, is the curator for this month’s show.
Part of the exclusive online showroom developed by All About Photo, this exhibition is on view for the entire month of June 2021 and includes twenty photographs from the series Since Seeing You.
Since Seeing You

Since Seeing You is an observation of the lingering experience of the final week of my mother’s life. She rarely let me photograph her, except in those last days when she changed her mind and without any hesitation, gave her permission and blessing. During that time there was a quality of acceptance and ease within and around her. After she passed the nurses seemed in a rush to cover her body and take her away. I wondered why. It seemed so natural that I would want to stay with her for a while. Since that final time, I have taken a lot of photographs in nature; immersed in its aliveness, decay and wild beauty. I feel her spirit in the tilting trees or when there is a light rain. At times, the memories of her gently fade out and blur, only to return as a wind that changes direction, in a wave of strong emotion.The pictures on view are a selection of what I hope to have published as a book. Because of the ephemeral feeling in the imagery, I imagine that the solidity of a book would balance this transient quality by giving it a structure and pace that would be tangible.

In this moment of great uncertainty and turmoil, these online Solo Exhibitions aim to continue to connect audiences and artists, building on our beliefs that access to art and culture is a right and not a privilege and that artists’ voices should be heard. It is a platform to help photographers pursue their visions, their dreams and their projects.
With our new online showroom space, we’ve placed All About Photo’s role as a supporter and amplifier of creative ideas.
Photo Exhibition Details
Title: Since Seeing You
Start Date: 01-06-2021 – End Date: 30-06-2021
Venue: All About Photo (United States)