An attempt to set up visual bridges between two parallel and conflicting worlds and arches erected partnership between dream and reality. The boxed undersea world is dreamy. Aquatic creatures, mythical creatures and humans coexist in alien, utopian landscapes. Live beyond the limits of imagination and develop their action in the dark liquid Yerevan. The light, absolute and whitewashed, preying and delineate the boundaries of “banned over the world”.
The heroes are emerging from total darkness conspiratorially, lightning hit the intruder and the unsuspecting viewer who inadvertently involved.
The man (who always appears in reflection) is free from the presumptuousness of the owner of this world. The dream finally mutates into extra-terrestrial and unorthodox nightmare.

Q&A with Spiros Zervoudakis
Photography is…
Photography is what is missing from reality. In essence, the photographer uses an event to convey in the dimension of fantasy, changing the ultimately irrelevant.
Photography and writing…
Photography and writing charge and expand trivial details with our fears and wishes.
Who left the biggest impression on you?
Garry Winogrand with his exotic obsessions, Nikos Economopoulos because of the Balkan absurd and Michael Ackerman because of the haunted beauty of his work.