“Parts of Life and morning flowers”, still-life photography study, celebrates the presence of body organs, which are essential for vitality! Frequently these scenes are accompanied by beautiful altered mourning and grieving flowers. Flowers are frequently part of a grave scene; burial locations are surrounded by flowers!
Recently fragility of life was highly pronounced by certain global events like the Covid viruses plague and the world unrest circumstances, such as the Ukraine crisis. Too many graves were recently excavated, with no rational reasoning. Flesh was not respected and flowers were under demand…. Highly requested! Unfortunately, not for frequent celebrations!
Mostly for cemeteries or improvised burial locations!
This photography study emphasizes the fragility of life and cultures. Fortunately, enough, the covid calamity followed by a great achievement of scientific research in devising novel routes of vaccination, expressed by the anti-Covid abrupt immunization development.
However, no remedy for the Ukraine crisis with its numerous casualties, accentuates the emergent necessity for decent sensible and humanitarian international leaders.
P.S. All flesh specimens are collected in meat markets. No sacrifice is acceptable!