When I was 7 years old, I suddenly decided to train my willpower by eating salt. I didn’t know anything about the harms of salt. I started with very small portions and made a decision to end up when I’d increased every day portion to one teaspoon. My goal was eating salt without wince-making. Unfortunately, I don’t remember why I did it. But I did it.

For now I have willpower more than ordinary people. It helps me living in difficult circumstances. But on the other hand, I lost many important trait as tenderness, gentleness, tolerance. Now I’m trying to find them. Moreover, I lost the huge part of ability to enjoy life.

At the very beggining of this photo project, I questined myself how I’d tell this story, which left a mark and impacted all my life. When I traveled to the saline lake Baskunchak, I submerged my portrait taken at my childhood in the lake. While I observed portrait eroded by salt, I realised that it would be the best way telling my story. I’m sure the man can resist everything. The questions only are how much it costs and is it wotrhwhile.