Other stories
Unmissable objects
This images have in common that they do not tell a story, but only hint at it, and no one…
Female – a recomposition
RomaItalyI stared at the image multiplying in an action suspension, but I could not fully seize the mystery of meeting…
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Windows (Behind the glass)
MinskBelarusWhat place do windows occupy in our life? What do they represent? Why is the window so attractive in many…
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Wind Song, from the Jurchen kingdom
But the place of power was full of gold, hidden by the shamans in the deep wells on the mountain.…
Life is like a kaleidoscope
The picture changes depending on how we rotate the kaleidoscope. And the previous, completed picture will never be returned, just…
Soul, an infinitesimal point of non-physical light
In deep meditation one can perceive the soul as an infinitesimal point of non-physical light surrounded by an oval shape…
Other stories
The real routine life of Kikimora
The project shows the real routine life of Kikimora.
One Photo Story
Lavender and garlic
This photo was taken intuitively. It was only then that I realized that I had not been to France.
One Photo Story
Old door
Each old thing has a story to tell, has a history...
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Ground from the different brink
This essay is about the left brink of our mind, brink without words and thoughts.
Project “SvetOdin”
Depression can be defeated. Weapons can be anything you want. My weapon was fantasy. It was she who opened the…
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Interpretation of Dreams
My e project on the shadow side of the personality and dreams as parts of reality.
Other stories
Night bark of dogs is our lullaby
The project is about mystical Strenght living on the edge of Belarus and about fairy connection of the inhabitants with…
In Deep Water
a secret close to another secret
She Looks into Me
“She looks into me” consists of a series of intimate images that hold a deep reverence for a time when…
Lady Snow and her Silence
'Lady Snow' is a solitary journey, through the silent and snowy lands of Abruzzo. Appreciating the silence that surrounds nature…
The urban fabric takes the vision of the post-industrial landscape, time stands still, and the apparent mystery and the sense…