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A chant from childhood
Dates and events are not as important as the images that we will carry through our lives, which will always…
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Life in a frame in pieces
I was born in this world, not knowing, like many, many people, what lies ahead of me. The world seemed…
Laughter in Darashakran Refugee Camp
Darashakran refugee camp, home to around 13,000 Syrian refugees, is located less than an hour drive from Erbil, the capital…
One Photo Story
I hope
04/01/2022NoidaIndiaMy hope for childrenI hope that they play with trains and dinosaurs to their heart’s content.I hope they choose to…
Family home
MarxRussiaGreat peace enters these walls,Vanity has stopped its course.Here every detail is sacred —The ark stays afloat in the flood.Zinaida…
Number 3 became truly magical for me
Кarmaskalinsky districts, Karmaskali,RussiaThe number three is considered special in many cultures and Russian is not an exception. We all remember…
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Windows (Behind the glass)
MinskBelarusWhat place do windows occupy in our life? What do they represent? Why is the window so attractive in many…
One Photo Story
The revived doll, a myth
12/09/2021KrevoBelarusThe revived doll is, without a doubt, a myth. However, how often do we meet this strong, exciting image in…
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Growing up
04/08/2021KrevoBelarusWhat is growing up? Does it always happen with children? Or sometimes, a person enters into this process already being…
Resilience, defence and resistance in Myanmar
The violation of human rights is now happening against people in Myanmar and represent a serious threat to their lives,…
Children in the Jewish community of Trieste
The eyes of children have no experience, they see things for the first time, they welcome lights and shadows without…
One Photo Story
Marusya and the Nutcracker
What do you associate with the New year?It was a difficult year. Actually. Many have lost relatives. Someone's job. And…
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Christmas card
Adults become children too. But this happens once a year.
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Connection with the Elements
Connection with the Elements is an evocative shot, on the edge of a beautiful location where Nature, the sea, the…
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I can’t say “Goodbye”
A great life starts from the childhood. Certainly, everything changes. We as grown-ups have to make rules and live by…
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New Normal
The picture tells in the new normal situation how a little girl has made herself adopted to the situation.
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The art of being a child
Being a child is a whole art. Adults forget, over the years, what they were like in childhood, what they…
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Kids flowers
They say that children are the flowers of life. I agree with that statement. Children adorn our lives. They fill…
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Smells of the things
I stop by the fence for a few minutes, inhale the country air and mentally put it into bottles for…
Milky Way
Do you believe in stars?