One Photo Story
The adventurer, Professor Jean Malaurie
05/09/2012ParisFranceJean Malaurie was an explorer and founder of the famous Terre Humaine collection, inaugurated with his book “Les Derniers Rois…
Photo Exhibition
Luzia Simons, « Silencieuses », Photographs
The Arcturus gallery is very pleased to present the photographs of Luzia Simons, artist born in Brazil in 1953, based…
People of Paris
This project is about the ordinary people of Paris, people who happened to be in a certain space at a…
Wandering in the Paris Suburbs
This photo project is the exploration of the simplicity of life in the suburbs and the importance of the appreciation…
Vincent Gouriou, “Instants d’abandon”
Vincent Gouriou, "Instants d’abandon". Sensual, spiritual secret, his portraits revive the question of normality and of difference. Between identities and…
Paris’ despised refugee Ragpickers
It is known by Marche des Biffins, or the 'ragpickers' market. Most of the goods are scavenged from rubbish bins…
Photo Essays
Afghani refugees call Paris’ Place de la Republic home
Place de la Republic in Paris is a symbol of “living together” for the French especially after recent terror attacks…