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Long live the photographers!



It is great fun to watch my fellow photographers at work.

I love to see their contortions, unnatural positions, and their concentration when taking pictures.

And I love their inspired faces, deformed by the camera, or their vacant stare while staring at a smartphone screen (we don’t have to be purists, that’s photography too, despite the inflation).

So I like to photograph them, to transform them from observers into the observed, take a picture of those who take photos, hopefully with a bit of irony.

In this way a reversal take place, the beginning of an endless mirror, a loop like the old nursery rhyme that goes like this: Once upon a time there was a king who said to his page: tell me a story that I want to fall asleep. And the page began: there was once a king who told to his page: tell me a story that I want to fall asleep. And the page began… And so on and so on.

The photos I present here are a self-indulgent and self-mocking game: in the end photographers’ pantomimes are my pantomimes.

Raise your hand if you have never photographed reflections in a puddle. Rome, February 11th, 2021.
Raise your hand if you have never photographed the sunset. Rome, february 11th 2021.
Mischievous competition. Rome, May 5th 2021.
The drama and the pantomime. Rome, February 16th 2021.
The selfie and the sublime. Rome, July 2nd 2021.
If the sun doesn’t help you, then you need the helper. Rome, July 11th 2021.
Portrait of an unknown photographer. Palermo, August 17th 2021
The photographer’s hand: object and subject, a complicated relationship. Rome, January 23th 2021.
The concerned photographer. Portrait of a friend and Master. Rome, April 8th 2021.
Self-portrait: the watchful gaze and the photographer’s shadow. Rome, August 3rd 2021
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Pietro Coppa

Nato e vissuto a Roma, fotografo per antica passione.

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