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In the tall grass



In the tall grass.

What does tall grass hide? What is she making noise about?

The photo story is based on the novels by Stephen King “In the Tall Grass”. Even, rather, based on the film of the same name.

Many of us are attracted to the spooky. It is hidden in each of us, but not everyone hears it. What is it like? Beautiful and majestic, or repulsive and possibly ominous?

I think it is different for each of us. What was hidden in the soul or subconscious, but for some reason was exposed, crawled out. It took, albeit not the main place, but it became tangible, and sometimes even the leading one. The moment when the eerie reveals itself, changes the perception of a person. In a way, the creepy becomes the yardstick. Now, it is impossible not to notice it. If it is, then the beholder will surely see it in the picture, photograph, in the text of the work. It is like the feeling of a sudden fall in a dream. Abstraction of understanding.

The inanimate shows signs of being alive, conscious. The grass begins to beckon and whisper. A girl walking along the field suddenly begins to hear someone or something calling her from the thickets. She becomes interested and walks into the grass. Goes to the voices. But she finds no one, because the voices subside as soon as she crosses the border of the road and thickets. That very eerie appears next to her. Her eerie … self-fulfilling premonition. She wanders through the dense grass, looking for a way. But he invariably returns to where she began her search.

Eerie willful repetition. Plant roots transform into paws. And the plants themselves take on bizarre shapes. How to get out if there is no road? How to overcome, or at least hide the eerie deeper?

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Maria Bartosh

My name is Maria Bartosz. I am 35 years old. I am very passionate about photography. But I’m not doing it professionally yet. I… More »

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