Info > Year of publication: 2019 | Pages: 40 | Size: 22,5×30 cm | Volume Price: 10€ | Book’s webpage
Publisher: Monkeyphoto
In his latest series for Monkeyphoto, Alessandro Ciccarelli presents “Erehwon, CaMg(CO3)2/CaCO3”, 26 black and white photographs published in the form of posterzine, or rather, prints on large format sheets (45x30cm).
As to the reader’s whim, the sheets can take the form of posters, or can be equally appreciated by leafing through the pages from beginning to end.
The folded posterzine creates a sequence of diptychs decided on by the author. However, with no binding, it is also possible to create a personal sequence, a composition of different combinations and diptychs.

In the middle of the posterzine one finds the literary contribution of Giusi Palomba, a text that considers the elusive relationship between the photographer’s eye and the image. Through a lexicon that draws on geology, but with a dreamlike register far from the norms of meaning, the text dares to take a possible approach to the power and hostility of nature. It is a discourse with gravity, atmospheric agents and time, the inadequacy of human undertaking in the face of nature’s prowess.
The subjects of the photographic series are mountain peaks shrouded in fog, as well as concretions, furrows in the rock, dark vertical walls and boulders isolated in the darkness. There are no geographical indications or tangible signs to recognize places, it is obviously a mental process. Physical coordinates rise up through interior landscapes within the observer; places of thought, dark dreams or instances of desire. At this point even the title becomes deliberately vacuous, and thus conventional. Only the final epigraph seems to indicate a direction, in turn raising the sole question:
“Is the dream the desire?”