from 6th to 30th September 2018, opening: from Tuesday to Sunday 10h/12h – 17h/20h
Isole che parlano – Centro di documentazione del territorio – Palau 07020, Italy

“Around each photo, everyone can build their own lie. Because this was photography for me: the lie, an essential component of the truth. My cameras contained, for me, all the possible images, but like the platonic shadows they also contained their opposite.” Sandro Becchetti.

The exhibition entitled L’inganno del vero ( The Deception of the True) edited by Valentina Gregori and Irene Labella and realized in collaboration with Postcart Editions, Ogros photographers associated and 4Caniperstrada cultural association, will be open until September 30th and will be inaugurated on Thursday, September 6th at 9.00 pm, at the Centro di Documentazione of Palau.

The exhibition will propose a selection of photographs, 60 prints of different formats by Sandro Becchetti (who died 5 years ago) in which the most powerful and contrasting aspects of his language emerge: some well-known shots will be on show, like the portraits of the main protagonists of twentieth century culture, from Alfred Hitchcock, to Andy Wahrol, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Francois Truffaut, Federico Fellini with images of the suburbs of Rome and of the Umbrian landscapes. The exhibition path will also be enriched by the screening of the documentary Sandro Becchetti ”Il tempo ritrovato”- directed by Luciano Desiati – a very important testimony in which Becchetti has left his vision as a photographer and artist.
If asked what photography was for him, Sandro Becchetti would have always given the same answer: “For me photography is discovering oneself in the eyes of another”. Photography, therefore, as an encounter of fragments of life that feel they belong to for inexplicable but sufficient reasons, and as an understanding of a collective lie and, in silence, the possibility of unmasking each other. During exhibition inauguration, the exhibition supervisor will be the protagonist of the meeting ‘Reflections on the ethics of a craft’, and they will tell the audience of Becchetti’s Work.