
Festival 2017

The guards are securing the festival vehicles used by the Indonesian president, from the crowd of “Festival Pesona Parahyangan” at Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.

Festival 2017, photo essay by Arif Sahroni

[I]n 2017, I quite often take pictures of festivals, from cultural festivals, celebrations and religious festivals around West Java.

Festival is an event to celebrate something, by providing easy entertainment to the people, also become a place to gather between government / organizers with citizens.

My feelings when come to the festival are always the same, that is full of people, crowded, and hot. There is always a price to pay, at least a sacrifice for those who want to watch the festival, Until some questions arise in me, are they entertained? Do they enjoy the show?

(by Arif Sahroni)

The cops were organize the crowd in the parade of ornamental vehicles, to celebrate the 204 anniversary of Garut City, West Java, Indonesia.
The audience of Indonesia Independence day parade at Cihanjuang, West Java, closes their ear due to the noise of parade participants.
The students who watched “Festival Keraton Nusantara” climb the fence, at Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia.
Ice cream seller in the middle of the “Cap Go Meh” festival crowd, at Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.
A child fell asleep on his father’s shoulder while watching a “Cap Go Meh” festival, at Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.
The oldman take a picture to documented a moment in “Tutup Taun 1950 Ngemban Taun 1 Sura Saka Sunda Festival”, at Cirendeu, West Java, Indonesia.
A crowd of the “Festival Pesona Parahyangan”, at Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.
A man played a phone in the middle of the “Cap Go Meh” festival crowd, at Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.
Happy crowd of “Tutup Taun 1950 Ngemban Taun 1 Sura Saka Sunda Festival”, at Cirendeu, West Java, Indonesia.
The crowd in the parade of ornamental vehicles, to celebrate the 204 anniversary of Garut City, West Java, Indonesia.
Mayor of Bandung city Mr. Ridwan Kamil, greet people who come to “Cap Go Meh” festival, at Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.


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Arif Sahroni

Arif Sahroni (1991), civil engineer, amateur photographer from Bandung.

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