Lost and found; again!, photo essay by Ritam Talukdar
“Our very keen sense of observation grows from a very young age. It rejects every connection as we mature through every step of advancement, that we take towards life. But, the relationships that we make, in the springtime, stay till the end.”
Just like friendship! A term that I thought cease to exist, as we get wrapped up more within the appreciation of the living animation of the so called systematic timetable. But when three of the survivors got together, we proved that even among the modern day drama, the reminiscences of a lost childhood never lose their desirability. It can only be triggered by taking some time off from the so called regularity of life, that has turned us into automated statuettes. That’s when we realize, Life is more than a soul trapped within a figurine. Its more than the compromises that we have ever made.
Following pictures are from a visit to Jalpaiguri, Dooars, which was in fact the first outing for me in two years of my work life. I have assembled some of the pictures in a poetic statement to give rise to a feel, of a nomadic life, that we all somehow dream to have. But we always keep a small fraction of that hunger behind the working screens, so that it doesn’t get affected, within the insubstantial wall of modernity.
(by Ritam Talukdar)