Mount Bromo is one of the active volcanoes in East Java, Indonesia.
This mountain has an altitude of 2,329 meters with a crater diameter of ± 800 meters (north-south) and ± 600 meters (east-west). While the danger area of a circle with a radius of 4 km from the center of the crater Bromo included into the area of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park.
Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park not only presents the beauty of the landscape, there are a small minority of Java known as the Tenggerese or a tribe who settled in the area around the mountain.
The Tenggerese believes Mount Bromo / Mount Brahma as a sacred mountain. Once a year the Tengger community held a ceremony Yadnya Kasada or Kasodo. The ceremony was held at a temple located at the foot of Mount Bromo and continued to the peak of Bromo. The ceremony was held at midnight to early morning every full moon around 14 or 15 in Kasodo (tenth) according to the Javanese calendar.

Yadnya Kasada ritual inherited from their ancestors who are descendants of the Majapahit work in the 14th century. Based on their legend, the pair Joko Seger and Roro Anteng ask the creator of pregnancy in terms mengorbankan with their youngest child named Kusuma as a sacrifice to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa.
After sacrifice, Kusuma convey the message that his parents every year to hold a celebration on the 12th month, or Kasada, year by throwing a part of their crops and vegetables in the form of cattle down the crater. The ritual continues up to now as a sign of gratitude to god Tengger tribe and nature, as well as off the disaster or the wrath of Mount Bromo. (Yuan Adriles)