It was 2009 when i went first time in Kiev (capital) of Ukraine and was totally in love with this amazing country and lovely people. I think Ukrainians and Georgians has a lot of common. 2014 was the hardest and sadness year for this beautiful country, but at the same time I was so proud of them,because they were fighting for their independent, for their European choose.
During the war, Ukraine already lost one of her “sunny and sea” part Crimea and it’s become independent, as in 1992-1993 Georgia lost her part Abkhazia… War with Russia is still continue in the west of Ukraine… Politics… but this is all about my Ukraine, daily life of the ordinary people. Country where I feel myself as comfortable as I’m at home.
P.S. “Nenka” in Ukrainian means Mother, so this is about my Mother Ukraine.

Q&A with Dina Oganova
Photography is…
Strange question… for me photography is… Freedom, Love, Life
Photography and writing…
Two necessary things.
Who left the biggest impression on you?
Hm… a lot of photographers, a lot of directors of photography, People I love
Dina Oganova (DIKARKA), 1987, Georgia.
“I’m from beautiful country, Georgia and I’m freelance documentary photographer.”
(Dikarka is the nick name, in Russian it means Wild Girl)