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Viaggi randagi. Guerzoni e Ghirri

Franco Guerzoni, Progetto per pavimento imbottito (early '70), Photo by Luigi Ghirri. Courtesy the Artist
Franco Guerzoni, Progetto per pavimento imbottito (early ’70), Photo by Luigi Ghirri. Courtesy the Artist

Photo exhibition: Franco Guerzoni, Nessun luogo. Da nessuna parte. Viaggi randagi con Luigi Ghirri
Venue details: Impluvium della Triennale di Milano, via Alemagna 6, Milano | Official Website: | Event date: from 09-10-2014 to 09-11-2014 | Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 10.30AM-8.30PM; Thursday 10.30AM-11.00PM. Closed on Monday. Free entrance

The exhibition presents to the public for the very first time an original and unknown aspect of the work of the two Italian artists Franco Guerzoni and Luigi Ghirri

[C]urated by Davide Ferri and resulting of the collaboration between the Triennale di Milano, Skira, Nicoletta Rusconi Art Projects and thanks to the contribuition of Hedge Invest, Antonello Manuli Holdings, the show opens on October 9th at 6pm at the Impluvium and runs until November 9th 2014.

The exhibition arises parallel to the book by Franco Guerzoni Nessun luogo. Da nessuna parte – Viaggi randagi con Luigi Ghirri curated by Giulio Bizzarri and with an introduction by Carlo Arturo Quintavalle, published by Skira and, like the book, it is the story of a friendship and of the collaboration between two artists in the years of their formation and their errands in the countryside around Modena in the 60ies and 70ies. The exhibition represents a counterpart to the book rather than a summary, an autonomous dispositf with its own narrative structure.

For almost a decade Ghirri and Guerzoni maintained a constant dialogue, sharing the enthusiasm and the doubts of the beginning, their first experiments and works. They shared the same imagery: a landscape of barnyards, abandoned houses, ruins, industrial buildings and construction sites which they loved to photograph.

A vast documentation of hundreds of unpublished pictures taken by Luigi Ghirri for Guerzoni is what is left from these explorations. These photos represented the starting point, the material base for Franco Guerzoni’s works.

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