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ItalyPhoto Essays

Michele Palazzi | The last Tents

Michele Palazzi, The last Tents
Boris playing in the athletic camp near the tent.

The last Tents

After the April 6th 2009 earthquake in Abruzzo, the Italian Government offered some temporary shelters for the displaced people. The “Piazza d’Armi” tents camp in L’Aquila (Abruzzo capital) has been for months the main symbol of the displaced people. Now the Government gave to the displaced people a new and better solution, different from tents (mainly in hotels around the region). In the Piazza d’Armi tents now live some 20 people that refused the Government solution. The main reason is that the proposed new accommodation was far from the town of l’Aquila, town that represents the only possibility and hope to go back to a normal life…

Petru and his friend walking near the tents, before the earthquake this place used to be an athletics camp.
Nory dancing on the table.
Luciano after a domestic accident that caused a burn in his hand.
The meal given by the Caritas in a camp near Piazza D’Armi.
Antonello pouring wine to Luciano and Petru.
Antonello and Nory hugging.
Antonello standing in front of the wash machine, half of his body is paralyzed by a stroke years ago.
Giancarlo after a car crash, the doctor found a broken shoulder and a broken knee.
The remaining tents of the camp are placed near the athletic camp.
Joan in a sad moment conforted by Luciano.
Anya warming up near the fire during her boyfriend’s birthday.
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